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What’s The Point Of Sales Training?

point of sales training

Often, I am asked what’s the point of sales training? And, is selling a case of nature or nurture? Essentially, people want to know whether sales can be taught, or whether it is a natural ability.

As you would expect, I think that it can be trained. However, that doesn’t mean that anyone can be ‘taught’ how to sell and smash sales targets. If only it was that simple. Instead, you have to want to be trained. It’s impossible to train anyone, no matter what their natural ability, if they don’t want to be taught.

Equally, in my experience, there are individuals who are more likely to be good at sales and everyone will employ different selling styles. Therefore, you have to find the right training for you. With this in mind, I think sales training isn’t a case of nature or nurture but rather a case of hunters or farmers.

Hunters vs Farmers

We often refer to sales people as either hunters or farmers. Typically, hunters can be perceived as quite active as they push new business deals over the lines. On the other hand, farmers are more passive due to their account management skills.

Neither is better than the other, and both have good and bad traits. However, both need sales training courses that adapt to their individual needs, provide a proven sales strategy to improve business skills and give the confidence to build on their good traits and achieve the best possible outcome for you, your company and your client.

So, What’s The Point Of Sales Training?

Hopefully, I’ve convinced you that there is a point to sales training. I think differentiating between hunter and farmer sales people is the key to creating and developing a credible, effective sales training course. At Kennedy Ross, our sales training courses cater for various areas of sales and different types of sales people to ensure every individual, or business, who attends our courses can implement a proven sales strategy and improve their sales performance. To find out more get in touch with me, or contact our team today.

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Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama is the author of Sellology: Simplifying The Science Of Selling. He is also an industry leading sales training consultant at Kennedy Ross where he draws upon years of top level industry experience to help North West businesses improve their sales and revenues.