Alistaire Sellology Launch
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‘Tis The Season To Be Selling

Seasonal Sales

If you read my top tips for motivating your sales team, you’ll know that I claim summer is a typically quiet time in the selling department. But, you may be pleased to hear, that in my experience September right through to December is the ‘season to be selling’. So, why is this period such a positive time for sales? In my experience, there are three main reasons.

Back To Business

After months of slow sales and employee holidays it’s time to get back to business, and selling, in the Autumn months. Go back to your pipeline, that was perhaps abandoned over summer, get a good reason to call your prospects and contact those summer ‘on-holds’ to see if business has changed.

You’d be surprised how many business are willing to reconsider proposals they put off before or during summer. Plus, dare I say it, as the Brexit deadline looms and hopefully takes some of our economic and political turmoil with it, businesses may be more willing to get those on hold deals across the line.

Feeling Refreshed

After months of summer holidays and time off with the kids, staff are returning from annual leave in September. Time away from work usually has a positive effect on staff, and they come back re-motivated and refreshed. Plus, after weeks of annual leave, most employees are back in the office in September, creating a buzz as teams catch up on both personal and professional developments since they’ve been away.

Consequently, staff are willing to give their all following their return, boosting performance, staff morale and sales.

Of course, let’s not forget that your prospects are now back from their holidays and are looking to get jobs done, targets reached and projects signed off. And, your product or service may be just what the company is looking for to achieve this.

Countdown To Christmas

I know it seems too early to start mentioning Christmas, but, the festive period has a massive impact on sales in two ways.

Firstly, companies, especially B2C, are gearing up for the festive period with seasonal sales, Black Friday and Christmas shopping to prep for. It’s therefore in their best interests to get any potential deals across the line sooner rather than later to ensure their offering is ready for consumer demand.

Secondly, companies want any sales wrapped up before the Christmas break when most businesses tend to shut down. Therefore, September to December tend to be key months for getting sales across the line before to avoid sales carrying over to the New Year.

I hope September is a positive month for your sales and business performance. If you need help with a sales strategy to get your sales teams ready for the ‘season of sales’, contact me to see how our sales training can help.

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Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama is the author of Sellology: Simplifying The Science Of Selling. He is also an industry leading sales training consultant at Kennedy Ross where he draws upon years of top level industry experience to help North West businesses improve their sales and revenues.