Field Sales Training

Dedicated training for face to face selling

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    Sales Training For Field Sales

    Providing you with proven sales techniques for selling face to face.

    What Is Sales Training For Field Sales?

    Field sales is a demanding role and at times it can feel lonely and prove hard to stay motivated. Therefore, sales training for field sales, provides you with the techniques to remain motivated and a system which helps you diagnose what went wrong, and most of all, what went right.  Our bespoke face to face selling strategy is based on the best selling book, Sellology, and is a proven way to boost your sales performance and revenue.

    Bigger sales are more likely when you’re face to face with your customer, therefore, the expectation is daunting and requires a broader skill set to telesales. That’s why at Kennedy Ross, we offer a two day transformational sales training programme that will:

    • Enable you to communicate in a way in which your sales message lands clearly every time
    • Show you how to get on well with everyone you meet within the first seven seconds of your business meeting
    • Provide you with a six step sales system, PROCES. This system builds on your skills and knowledge and shows you specifically how to:
      • PLAN your sales meetings
      • REACH out to your potential and current clients
      • OBTAIN the correct information from your client for you to sell against
      • CONNECT with your client using bespoke F.A.B’s
      • ELABORATE and deliver a compelling third party story
      • SECURE the next steps











    Why Choose Kennedy Ross For Field Sales Training?

    Our consultants have worked with some of the best sales companies worldwide. They are equipped with hands on knowledge, front line sales experience and proven strategies to help you thrive when selling face to face.

    Furthermore, we have the empathy to deliver sales training in a way in which it is understood and is able to be implemented the moment you walk out of the classroom.


    How Does Field Sales Training Work?

    Often I am asked, is selling nature or nurture? In other words, is it something that is natural, and a gift, or can it be trained? My view is, of course it can be trained (you’d expect me to say that anyway). However, you’ve ‘gotta wanna’ do it, there’s no point in training anyone if they don’t want to be trained.

    In my experience, there are individuals who are more likely to be good sales people, a bit like there are people who play football with more skill than others. I think the debate isn’t nature vs nurture, it’s more hunter vs farmer. Hunters are traditionally new business go-getters. Farmers tend to be account managers. Both are field sales, and will benefit from our two day sales training programmes.

    Al Pacino, in the film Any Given Sunday, delivers a fantastic, half time motivational speech in which he talks about the inches, and how its these inches, when combined, that make the difference.

    I would say, that’s a good way to describe our sales training. We will help you improve in all areas of what you do, and how you sell. It’s those combined inches in improvement that will make a big difference to your performance.

    If you would like to find out more about our field sales courses, or want to start improving your face to face sales, contact us today.

    Businesses Benefiting From Field Sales Training

    • FISC Healthcare
    • Readyfix UK
    • Freemans Solicitors
    • Printed Cup Company
    • RJW Engineering
    • Moneycorp
    • UCLan

    You can read their testimonials here.

    Where Do You Offer Field Sales Training?

    Kennedy Ross offer sales training for field sales throughout the North West of England. This includes, but is not limited to:






    “We have worked with Kennedy Ross developing our sales skills. I’m delighted to say their sales system PROCES really has increased our sales. In one instance we landed a £100,000 piece of business with a national contractor as a result of the magic questions and controlling the follow up. I strongly recommend if you need to improve your selling skills then Sellology is the book to get.”

    James Whiteley – Head of Sales – Cumbria Heating Components

    Past and Present Clients


    Ken Blanchard accredited


    Institute of Sales and Management


    Emirate in Business at Lancaster University


    Contact us today

      Alternatively give us a call for North 01772 921106
      South 0203 442 9052