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How To Make Sales In An Uncertain Economy after Brexit

sales after Brexit

This week I would like to talk about the most significant change in the UK economy for 50 years, the UK leaving the EU, and how we can make, and increase, sales after Brexit.

Which ever way you voted in the referendum, it is safe to say that the economy, and selling, is more uncertain since the ballot was cast. However, I think we are all feeling the same, in that it’s time to roll our sleeves up, get on with it and make more sales after Brexit!

 The Economy and Sales After Brexit

I know that some of the national papers are saying that key parts of the economy, construction and the automotive sectors are slowing down and high street activity is reducing.

This month The Bank of England cut its interest rate to a record low of 0.25{e1243120137523b9d2faf30ca53bc681817b2d840d00996e5f443cfbf40c0e7f}, its first cut since 2009.  So, Brexit is clearly a significant economic event for all of us, in the short and medium term at least.

It may be too early to tell exactly what is going to happen after Brexit for certain, but there is one thing we can be sure of as sales professionals, in an uncertain economy, people are much more cautious about buying things.

And if people are more cautious about buying things then we sales people will need to be at the top of our game to simply maintain our sales performance, never mind increase it.

One thing I have learned in my 30 years as a sales professional is that the greater the pressure when selling, the more important it is to go back to basics and follow a system.

“Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time”

Arnold H. Glasgow

Get Back To Selling Basics

At Kennedy Ross, we are all about straightforward help that benefits sales immediately. Therefore, what follows are simple suggestions to help you make sales after Brexit and thrive, even in the toughest of circumstances:

It is very tempting when times get tough, to look for some special or secret techniques to “magically” increase your sales. You even start relying on hope, you may even get lucky.

I don’t know about you but I never been lucky when sales aren’t going well.

What we have found works with our many clients is understanding the basics and then doing them extraordinarily well.

Have A Sales System That Produces Consistent Results

Everything done well in life has a system, a process.

You may even be saying to yourself, I’m not even that good of a salesperson.

That may be true at this particular moment.

However, if you apply a system that covers all your selling concerns, those concerns will be removed.

That’s what systems do, they remove your bias, and barriers to entry, and instead help you work through your obstacles, enabling you to be successful even when you’re not feeling great.

Having a system gives you confidence in maintaining your cool and selling to your customers agenda, not yours. This means there is no need to “pressure sell” your proposal and worry about coming across too “salesy”.

At Kennedy Ross, we have a simple, powerful and repeatable system for increasing your sales fast. And, it works because it takes you back to those basics I mentioned earlier.

If you would like to find out more about our sales system to beat those ‘Brexit Sales Blues’, you can register for a copy of my new book “Sellology – Simplifying the Science of Selling”  which we will be launching Thursday September 15th.

Celebrate Your Success

This is so very important.

At Kennedy Ross, we are celebrate even the smallest of successes through “High Five” moments. We know and understand that when sales are tough if we get those small wins, then the big wins follow.

By keeping our attention on what we are doing well, we keep momentum and a positive mindset. Both of these are essential for personal, business and sales success.

Have you ever sold well when you’ve been brow beaten? Don’t think so.

So how do you celebrate your successes on a daily basis?

I know that High Fives aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. Instead, you could try a few “well done’s” and a warm appreciative smile, they work just as well.

How Kennedy Ross Will Get Your Sales Teams Brexit Ready

For me no matter how uncertain the UK economy in the future is, you can be certain of one thing. If you take short cuts when selling your customer, and you, will feel short changed. Therefore, I strongly recommend you use a proven system.

How do you see the future of sales after Brexit?

Let me know in the comments.

Thank you for reading


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Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama is the author of Sellology: Simplifying The Science Of Selling. He is also an industry leading sales training consultant at Kennedy Ross where he draws upon years of top level industry experience to help North West businesses improve their sales and revenues.