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Turning Followers Into Business Leaders – Breakfast Seminar

Business Leaders

Thu 28th Jul at 8:00am – 9:30am
KPMG in Manchester, United Kingdom


It’s safe to say this country needs a leader. From political parties, to the England football team we are crying out for strong leadership.

How To Create Business Leaders

At JCI Manchester they already know our future leaders. This is because they are everywhere. They are our peers, they are us!

In July’s breakfast seminar, Alistaire Jama from training company Kennedy Ross will teach us how to turn followers into business leaders.

We all want to know how we take a step further as individuals. We all want to grow within a company, start our own path or help raise the team around us.

Our journey begins with a real life leadership challenge at BT. Following this it takes in some lessons of emotional intelligence and finishes with a six-step plan to begin turning followers into business leaders.

Tickets are available HERE

About Alistaire Jama

Alistaire Jama is the former Sales Director of 118118 and Commercial Director of the of The Manchester Evening News. His leadership and management experience goes as far back as the early 90’s when he became an award winning manager for Thomson Yellow Pages. He has an MBA from UCLAN and completed his final dissertation on the Bass and Avolio Transformational Leadership model.

Over the last six years he has led his consultancy Kennedy Ross in improving businesses front line performance. A combination of empirical evidence and academic rigour gives Alistaire the edge when it comes to delivering leadership and management training.

About JCI Manchester

JCI Manchester is a voluntary personal development organisation for young professionals and entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 40. JCI Manchester is part of a global network which has over 200, 000 members in 100 countries. The organisation offer a range of opportunities for you and your business.

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Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama is the author of Sellology: Simplifying The Science Of Selling. He is also an industry leading sales training consultant at Kennedy Ross where he draws upon years of top level industry experience to help North West businesses improve their sales and revenues.