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Sellology Receives 50 Five Star Reviews on Amazon and Global Publishing

Sellology audio

Eighteen months after the publication of my book, “Sellology: Simplifying The Science Of Selling”, I’m still taken aback by the positive response I’m receiving.

This week, I’m happy to announce Sellology has received over 50 five star reviews on Amazon, achieved Global Publishing status and is now available as an audio version!

Writing Sellology was one of the hardest tasks I have ever undertaken. So, for it to achieve global publishing status and reach many of you worldwide is something I am truly proud of.

Sellology Receives 50 Five Star Reviews

My main aim when writing Sellology was to give people the correct tools and confidence to sell by simplifying the complicated science of selling.

So, to read your positive reviews, and see it’s given you the confidence to sell and provided you with the expertise to improve your sales performance is endearing and incredibly humbling.  

My Favourite Sellology Review

I’ve featured this particular review as, for me, it encapsulated my overall aim when writing Sellology. It also gave me joy to read that I’ve brought at least one person’s confidence back, and had a positive impact on his view of selling. And, it’s nice to eradicate the view that good sales people don’t in fact con and aren’t fakes!

Having spent years convincing myself that selling was something I could never do this book is a real revelation. Many years ago I was a specialised salesperson…but my sales record was so low it knocked my confidence. What I learnt many years later is that life is one big sales pitch. This book has brought that confidence back.

Salespeople, arguably, have such a bad name but as the book states, “To me, being a good salesperson is about behaving in the best interests of you customer and creating value and impact.” It goes on, “Good sales people don’t con, aren’t fakes and tell no lies to make sales.”

Let that sink in for a moment. How many bad experiences have we had by feeling pressured or conned into a sale. It doesn’t have to be that way. What has been missing is a simple but effective system that is applicable across many situations.

That is PROCES coined by Alistaire Jama and highlighted in this book. This book should be handed out to all new salespeople in all sales roles. In fact, scratch that, even old hands will gain a great deal by using this easy to follow life lesson.

Sellology is a system but it’s much more than that, it’s an ethical philosophy for sales. A should become a way of life for salespeople from across the globe.

What Is Sellology?

Sellology is a clear and effective, summary of my 30 years’ experience as award-winning sales professional. It is a book I guarantee will help to increase sales for your business. If you’d like to start the journey to increasing your sales performance you can buy “Sellology: Simplifying The Science Of Selling” on Amazon now.

Sellology Audio

To celebrate Sellology’s Global Publishing status and the amazing response it is receiving, I’m giving away copies of the Sellology audio version. Simply follow this link to receive your FREE copy of the Sellology audio version!

If you’ve any comments, or reviews, on the book, or my strategy, as always, I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you again for reading, reviewing and now listening!


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Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama
Alistaire Jama is the author of Sellology: Simplifying The Science Of Selling. He is also an industry leading sales training consultant at Kennedy Ross where he draws upon years of top level industry experience to help North West businesses improve their sales and revenues.