Transformational Leadership Training

What makes a good leader? Do they exhibit strong emotional intelligence? Do they set a good example to employees? Do they embody company culture? Do they inspire their followers to go beyond their expectations? Do they turn their followers into leaders?

If you answered yes to all or indeed any of those then our transformational leadership training is for you.

Transformational Leadership overview

Transformational Leadership is a process of influencing in which leaders change their associates’ awareness of what is important and move them to see themselves and the opportunities and challenges of their environment in a new way. It will inspire your followers to transcend their own self interest for a collective higher purpose, mission or vision.

Transformational Leadership occurs when one or more persons engage with others, so leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality.

Consequently, Transformational Leadership Training results in the achievement of increased levels of performance amongst followers than previously thought possible.

The Transformational Leadership Training also, focuses heavily on the benefits of Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is concerned with achieving one’s goals through the ability to manage one’s own feelings and emotions in order to be sensitive to and influence other key people. Emotional Intelligence also helps to balance one’s motives and drives with conscientious and ethical behaviour.







How does the training work?

In conjunction with our partners in California, Mind Garden™, the leaders will undergo an initial 360-degree evaluation. Then, over a series of sessions (client dependent), leaders will establish what key behavioural traits they are currently exhibiting on the Transformational Leadership model and understand how to be able to improve in the areas required. Via meetings with leaders, a view is undertaken of the management model and key behavioural traits, and a plan is pulled together for leaders to be able to implement the new behaviours. Then, after an agreed period, a further 360-degree evaluation takes place and tangible improvements in one’s skills are reviewed. Integrating Sales Training into this process can further enhance leadership development and effectiveness.

Our leadership training is workshop based and completed over a 3-12 month period. During the training, other areas focused on include:

  • Improvement of Emotional Intelligence
  • Managing managers
  • Creating a culture
  • Business communications

Transformational Leadership behavioural traits

Below are the key behavioural traits to be exhibited in the Transformational Leadership full range leadership model.

Our leadership training will help you move from red to green.

CR – Transactional Leadership: (Contingent Reward) An effective way of management. Relationships based on transactions and rewards for satisfactorily carrying out the assignment. You scratch my back…

MBEA – Management by exception (Active): When the Leader arranges to actively monitor the deviances from standards, mistakes and errors and takes effective action as necessary

MBEP – Management by exception (Passive): When the Leader waits for deviances, mistakes and errors to occur and then takes corrective action

LF – Laissez – Faire: According to all research the most ineffective form of leadership, Laissez – Faire, when nothing is transacted

Transformational Leadership behavioural traits

  1. Idealised Attributes flexibility, willingness to help
  2. Idealised Behaviours – demonstrates high standards of ethical and moral conduct
  3. Inspirational Motivation – it is you who has to inspire your followers to great feats
  4. Intellectual Stimulation – logical thinking, careful problem solving and your characterisation through rationality
  5. Individual Consideration – managing your followers situationally by understanding their individual differences and requirements to maximise performance

Why Transformational Leadership?

It has been proven that Transformational Leadership is the best form of leadership in fast moving organisations, static organisations and organisations that are going through a tough time.

It has long been associated with experienced leaders and employees in long standing roles such as banks and government institutions.

As the business world is in a continuous state of flux Transformational Leadership behavioural traits are widely regarded as the best way to lead whilst managing change and improving performance.

This is what we’ve realised at Kennedy Ross, pretty much everything is in constant state of change, hence why Transformational Leadership is vital for leadership development in this day and age.




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Ken Blanchard accredited


Institute of Sales and Management


Emirate in Business at Lancaster University


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    Alternatively give us a call for North 01772 921106
    South 0203 442 9052